Robert Dymarek, PhD, PT; Tomasz Halski, PhD, PT; Kuba Ptaszkowski, PhD, PT; Lucyna Slupska, PhD, PT; Prof. Joanna Rosinczuk, PhD, MSc; and Prof. Jakub Taradaj, PhD, PT – Standard care procedures for complex wounds are sometimes supported and reinforced by physical treatment modalities such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). To evaluate available evidence of ESWT...Read More
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nan Lou of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China – This study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and conventional wound therapy (CWT) for acute and chronic soft tissue wounds. All English-language articles on ESWT for acute and chronic soft tissue wounds indexed in PubMed,...Read More
Louise Helen Hitchman, Joshua P. Totty, Ali Raza, Paris Cai, George E. Smith, Daniel Carradice, Tom Wallace, Amy E. Harwood, and Ian C. Chetter, Hull, United Kingdom – Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide. Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) occur in over 10% of diabetic patients and are associated with high morbidity....Read More
She was treated with high dose antibiotics. Surgeons recommended a colostomy and several operations to clean the wound. Fearing she would pass away from the recommended surgical procedures, her family withdrew the patient from the hospital and took her to Dr. Richard Thiele for treatment with the DermaGold™ soft focused Multiwave™ device. Antibiotics were discontinued,...Read More
For almost 30 years, extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been clinically implemented as an effective treatment to disintegrate urinary stones. This technology has also emerged as an effective noninvasive treatment modality for several orthopedic and traumatic indications including problematic soft tissue wounds. Delayed/nonhealing or chronic wounds constitute a burden for each patient affected, significantly impairing...Read More
Antibiotic-resistant bacterial colonies often produce biofilms (a defensive mechanism that creates a physical protective barrier against antibiotic treatment). SWT can break up the physical biofilm barriers, thereby allowing antibiotics to gain access to the entrenched bacteria and eradicate the colony. The biofilm is destroyed and the wound cleaning is supported. Click here to read more.Read More
Shockwave treatment accelerates impaired wound healing in diverse clinical situations. However, the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of shockwaves have not yet been fully revealed. Since cell proliferation is a major requirement in the wound healing cascade, we used in vitro studies and an in vivo wound healing model to study whether shockwave treatment influences...Read More
Shock waves are high-energy acoustic waves characterized by an initial rise of high pressure within a very short rise time, followed by a low tensile amplitude. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been documented to have various effects on bones and soft tissue. ESWT acts through mechanotransduction and leads to biological responses at cellular level including...Read More
Patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) often display Raynaud’s phenomenon and digital skin ulcers. As these ulcers are not associated with autoimmune factors or abnormal coagulation, conventional immunosuppressive therapies, vasodilators, and anticoagulants are often ineffective. Here, we used extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) to treat these ulcers. Nine SSc patients with new digital ulcers, previously treated...Read More