Veterans often endure persistent pain from service-related injuries that significantly impacting their well-being; however, SoftWave therapy can offer immediate and long-lasting relief and pain reduction in just a few sessions.
Non-healing wounds, surgical wounds, and trauma-related injuries are common among veterans, leading to prolonged discomfort and health complications, but SoftWave therapy promotes faster healing of chronic and acute wounds by stimulating tissue regeneration and increasing blood flow.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) and other urological issues can severely affect veterans’ quality of life and self-esteem, but SoftWave low-intensity therapy can be effective in reducing or managing the symptoms of men’s urological and sexual health issues by decreasing pain, increasing blood supply, and activating connective tissue.
Not FDA cleared for this intended use. Health Canada Licensed.
Conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD are prevalent among veterans and are often exacerbated by chronic pain and physical ailments, but alleviating physical pain through SoftWave therapy can significantly improve mental health, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and enhancing overall well-being.
No anesthesia or numbing agents needed
No known side effects
Short treatment time
Quick recovery
Long term solution