Hexsel D, Camozzato FO, Silva AF, Siega
Cellulite is a commonality among most women and some men. As frustrating as it can be, researchers have discovered a variety of ways to curb its effects through technologies, including acoustic wave therapy (AWT). 30 women recently participated in a study to help discover just how effective this treatment can be to fight cellulite, shape the body, and reduce fat. Let’s dive into what this study found.
What is Acoustic Wave Therapy?
Acoustic wave therapy is one of three shockwave therapy procedures available. This therapy specifically uses radial pressure waves to break down cellulite and fat by contacting problem areas just below the surface of the skin. Using ultrasonic pulses, acoustic pulses, and slow shear waves, the compressed air targets and breaks down problem areas, making space for rejuvenation and healthy cell formation once more.
What happened in the study?
For this clinical trial, 30 women took part in 12 sessions of acoustic wave therapy to reduce cellulite over the span of 6 weeks. These participating women struggled with moderate to severe cellulite on the back of the thighs and gluteus. 12 weeks following the last session, these women were assessed in order to see the results of the sessions they underwent.
Does acoustic wave therapy make a difference?
For these 30 women, the 12 sessions of AWT resulted in positive and real results. The post-session assessments showed that the treatments clearly reduced the severity of cellulite and decreased the size and thickness of fat on the body. Over 90% of the participating women agreed that they would do the treatment again, and 89% were happy with their results.
Which problem areas can be treated with AWT?
Although this study uncovered successful results specifically for cellulite on the gluteus and thighs, this treatment is safe and effective for many parts of the body for body shaping and cellulite or fat reduction. Here is a list of possible areas of treatment.
- Thighs
- Gluteus
- Face
- Arms
- Stomach
Are there side effects?
This study reported no side effects and no accounts of pain or discomfort. Clients are continually pleased with the painless and easy treatments.
Your next step
As a provider, it is vital to thoroughly understand the needs of your patients to match them with a treatment that will deliver lasting results. Acoustic wave therapy can transform your patients by reducing cellulite, trimming body fat, and shaping the body. Read the article here to discover more about the power of acoustic wave therapy.
Learn More about the different types of shockwave therapy and how to select the best device for your patients.