Veteran football analyst and three-time Super Bowl Champion Randy Cross - I know SoftWave has made a huge difference on the flexibility of my knee. I can bend it all the way up and extend it, and I couldn't do any of that stuff before. My doctors were even talking about more surgery. Now, that...Read More
Lameness, and more specifically, joint disease, causes significant loss of use of athletic horses and has a large economic impact on the horse industry. Despite numerous medical treatments, novel treatments are needed. Recent experimental evidence and anecdotal clinical impressions of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) have been reported. Click here...Read More
Click here to read the article on Treatment for osteonecrosis of the femoral head: comparison of extracorporeal shock waves with core decompression and bone-grafting.Read More
Extracorporeal shock wave treatment has been used successfully for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The pathway of biological events by which this is accomplished has not been fully elucidated. BMP-2 is a key mediator of bone development and repair, and is uniquely required for bone formation. We therefore examined the effect...Read More
Delayed and nonunion of the tibia are not uncommon in orthopedic practice. Multiple methods of treatment have been developed with variable results. The objective of this study was to define disease-specific and treatment-related factors of prognostic significance in patients undergoing shock wave therapy for tibia nonunion. Click here to read more.Read More
Fracture non-unions are still a challenging problem in orthopedics. The treatment of non-unions remains highly individualized, complex, and demanding. In most countries the surgical approach with debridement of the non-union gap, anatomical reduction and appropriate osteosynthesis along with autologous bone grafting is considered as the standard of care. One of the very first non-urologic applications...Read More
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is used in a number of indications in the medical field. A number of tendinopathies show good and excellent results due to evidence based medicine. The treatment of lateral epicondylitis is known to show conflicting results. This overview of the published RCT’s on ESWT for lateral epicondylitis tries to show the...Read More